
I'd rather be home gutting pumpkins

Normally I like to take the night off on Halloween and stay home to pass out candy.

This year I am working. I didn't anticipate there would be so many other people wanting tonight off since most of my colleagues do not have kids and are not Halloween dorks like I am.

But a couple of people took vacations and the one guy with a kid took the night off to go begging with her.

So here I am at work while at home my porch light is off and the steps are jack-o-lantern free.

The picture above is from last year. I ended up with six jack-o-lanterns total. Yeah, that Jack on the bottom right step is puking his guts out.
I also put the paper bags out with some cat sand in the bottom and then lit tealight candles to light the walkway.

I did not dress up last year. But I have in the past, including stints as Marge Simpson and a giant Christmas present.

I never did get into the whole deal of putting on a costume to go to work. I mean, it's work.

So today for work I just went with a black dress and a little jeweled spider-shaped pin in my hair.

There is a scattering of Halloween-themed shirts, a lot more people in all black than normal and one guy dressed up in cardboard and foil as some sort of robot.

I guess it won't be all bad here today though. I just filled my candy bowl and before anyone can take a piece I will make them say "trick or treat."

1 comment:

Jim Thomsen said...

I'm in the same boat as you, Jill, though I don't see it as much of a hardship. I brought enough candy corn to choke a cavalry regiment ... and with any luck, the police scanner won't go completely nuts tonight.