
But what if she doesn't have the hips for it?

I really question parents who would do this to their child.

From the Associated Press

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A family court judge in New Zealand has had
enough with parents giving their children bizarre names here, and did something
about it.

Just ask Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. He had her

Judge Rob Murfitt made the 9-year-old girl a ward of the court so that
her name could be changed, he said in a ruling made public Thursday. The girl
was involved in a custody battle, he said.

The new name was not made public to protect the girl's privacy.
court is profoundly concerned about the very poor judgment which this child's
parents have shown in choosing this name," he wrote. "It makes a fool of the
child and sets her up with a social disability and handicap,

The girl had been so embarrassed at the name that she had never told
her closest friends what it was. She told people to call her "K" instead, the
girl's lawyer, Colleen MacLeod, told the court.

In his ruling, Murfitt cited a list of the unfortunate
Registration officials blocked some names, including Fish and Chips,
Yeah Detroit, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit, he said. But others were allowed,
including Number 16 Bus Shelter "and tragically, Violence," he

New Zealand law does not allow names that would cause offense to a
reasonable person, among other conditions, said Brian Clarke, the registrar
general of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Clarke said officials usually talked
to parents who proposed unusual names to convince them about the potential for

Why? Why, why, why?

Don't these parents remember being a child? Don't they know how mean other kids can be?


Angela said...

Yep. I don't get people sometimes. Drugs. I figure some of it involves drugs. Or IQs below 70. That might explain it a bit.

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Oh, this makes me angry! Kids suffer enough from family names and relatively normal names - they don;t need stunt names.