
Round Robin Photo Challenge: Variety Show

It's Round Robin time again!

The assignment is:

Photograph something as viewed as an assortment...
something that comes in different varieties.

For example, it could be a bunch of flowers
or nuts or crayons or birds.

So here we go...
I know I have a lot of cookbooks.
This is just a small sample of the
variety of cookbooks I have.

A while back I bought a box of mixed buttons.
Then I added to it the buttons that came with new sweaters.
I added in buttons that I took off of shirts I turned into rags.
Some buttons I bought just because they might
be cute on cards I make got tossed into the mix.
Oh, and there is the snowman button.
I am not exactly sure where he came from.
But I dig him.

I used them for the cards I make.
Just markers.
I jerked the camera accidentally
just as the shutter clicked.
I like the effect.

Watercolor pencils.
I also use these for my cards.
When I feel like experimenting.
They are a little more work than I like for the cards.

About 15 years ago I went on a trip to Tahiti and Hawaii.
These are random bits I picked up on the
shores of places including Bora Bora, Moorea, Oahu and Kauai.
My favorite is the one with the tiniest little rocks stuck in it.
You cannot tell from these images,
But most of the shells are the size of a fingertip.

This is a picture I took on my recent trip to Denver.
The walls of Falling Rock Tap House
were lined in beer bottles.
Yeah, that was a pretty good night.

Linking list:
Nancy - POSTED!
Nancy Luvs Pics
Outpost Mâvarin
Carly - POSTED!
Eclectic Granny
In My Dreams I Can Fly.....
Tj's Photo Expressions
Jennifer Robin
The Ellis Family Cincinnati
Lisa Marie
Lisa's Chaos
Family Affair Photography
Photographs & Memories
Pictures of Craziness
Suzanne R
Living . . . Suzanne R's Life
Chocolate Syrup for the Soul
The Prytz Family
Jama Hameed
Sweet Memories
Momma - POSTED!
Sandcastle Momma
Swampy - POSTED!
Anecdotes, Antidotes, & Anodes
The Instantaneous Existence of Me
Keyhole Pictures
Nekked Lizard Lady
Visions by Vicki
Teena - POSTED!
It's all about me!


Not that "Wilde" about this book

So before I left for Denver I wanted to get a book to read at the airport, on the plane, before bed... etc.

I found one at work in the freebie area. Usually if I take something from there I will read it and then return it in case someone else wants it.

So I found something called "The Wilde Women" by Paula Wall.

It was billed as a tale of sisterly revenge in Tennessee set against the Great Depression.

Cool. Mindless reading. I am down with that.

Overall it was OK. It did not make me want to seek out her previous book that was mentioned on the front and back cover.

It was a bit scattered, with so many peripheral characters. I wanted more about the sisters.

Anyway, it did open with this great passage:

The Lord giveth and most women piss it away. Perhaps this is why they lack the equipment to aim. Some women piddle their life away in a slow incontinent dribble while squatting in the shadow of a man. Others are so busy trying to overshadow men they miss the mark. Most manage to cover up their little messes like a cat scratching in a litter box, but a few always get caught with their pants down. For this reason, Lorna Wilde bestowed upon her daughters the wisdom her mother bestowed upon her, "Never wear holey underwear." Being enterprising young women, the Wilde sisters never wore underwear at all.

Yep. That was the whole opening paragraph.

It should have been my first clue to the rest of the book.

It was not bad. Just a bit overblown.
And she used the same phrases a lot. It was actually quite distracting.

But it was a fast read. I was half way through it by the time the plane landed in Denver and I finished it off before bed last night.


Husbands are just too much work

I saw this yesterday on MSNBC:

Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women, according to a new study. For men, tying the knot saves an hour of weekly chores.

“It’s a well-known pattern,” said lead researcher Frank Stafford, an economist at University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. “Men tend to work more outside the home, while women take on more of the household labor.”

He points out individual differences among households exist. But in general, marriage means more housework for women and less for men. “And the situation gets worse for women when they have children,” Stafford said.

Overall, times are a’ changing in the American home. In 1976, women busied themselves with 26 weekly hours of sweeping-and-dusting work, compared with 17 hours in 2005. Men are pitching in more, more than doubling their housework hours from six in 1976 to 13 in 2005.

Stafford analyzed time-diaries and questionnaires from a nationally representative sample of men and women over a 10-year period between 1996 and 2005. The federally-funded study showed that, compared with the single life, marriage meant more housework for both men and women.

“Marriage is no longer a man’s path to less housework,” Stafford said.
Single women in their 20s and 30s did the least housework, about 12 weekly hours, while married women in their 60s and 70s did the most — about 21 hours a week.


Round Robin Photo Challenges: Captioned

The Round Robin this time around was to do
your one perfect scene with a caption.
I know I am early.
I am here Friday night and the posts go up Saturday.
But I am going to be too busy to do this tomorrow.

For days I have been driving by this empty lot.
It is crazy wild with flowers.

But there is a chain link fence around it,
so I figured it would not work.

Then I remembered a lovely saying I saw on a card.

Bloom where you are planted.

Which just goes to show you can find beauty
anywhere if you look at things the right way.

Then the problem became choosing just one flower.

I could not do it.

So my perfect scene is a collage.

Have a beautiful day.
Linking list:

2. Lisa - POSTED!Lisa's Chaos

3. Karen - POSTED!Outpost Mâvarin
4. Wammy - POSTED!The Ellis Family Cincinnati

6. Jan - POSTED!The Prytz Family

7. TJTJ's Photo Expressions

9. Swampy - POSTED!Anecdotes, Antidotes, & Anodes

10. Janet - POSTED!fondofphotography

11. Monica - POSTED!Family Affair Photography

14. Jennifer Robin - POSTED!Robin's Woods

15. Jill - POSTED!Letting Crazy Take a Spin

17. Suzanne RLiving . . . Suzanne R's Life

18. MollyReturn of the White Robin

19. Kim - POSTED!Nekked Lizard Adventures

20. Steven(sometimes)photoblog


Life, as I know it

I've been pretty tired lately.

I need to get off my big ass and move more.

I know that if I get up and go for a walk in the morning it will eventually lead to more energy.

Not to mention a smaller ass.

But I am tired.

Someone said I have no life because I blog too much.

I always feel guilty when I think I am not blogging enough.

Why is that?

It's not as if I owe anyone blog entries. It's not as iff I am getting paid to do this.

I just kind of like blogging. It's an outlet.

Why is seen as not having a life?

If I was sitting in front of the computer writing poetry would that be better?

Fuck 'em.

It's my life, I will blog as much as I want to.