
And the world as we know it grinds to a halt

The writers strike will enter its third day tomorrow.
Already taping has been stopped on stellar shows such as "Til Death" and "Rules of Engagement."
Oh no. What will we do?

Here's a thought: Turn off the TV and pick up a fucking book.


Mama_Kanga said...


Lauren said...

Aw, I read books all day long and I'll still be sad if the strike messes with Ugly Betty. That said, people should not freak out about a TV hiatus more than they freak out about, say, suspended trash collection.

Wordnerdy said...

Hear, hear!

Atypical California Girl said...

Here is the thing: I feel for the people who are not getting paind because of this strike or are suffering because their businesses rely on the entertainment business.
There are a lot of restaurant workers and auxiliary businesses that will suffer from this.
And it will have a huge effect on the local economy.
So yes, this is not the best news.
But the way it is played on local news here, it is the worst thing in the world.
And given that we are at war and I have a cousin in Iraq who is barely old enough to shave... sorry, this really is just TV.

Jacque Jo said...


But does it make anybody else kind of sad that Jay Leno is in re-runs? You're telling me the man who made his living as a standup comedian isn't capable of writing his own opening monologue?

I love that I'm spending much more time reading these days.

Atypical California Girl said...

The Jay Leno thing is a good point. But I think a lot of the actors and entertainers, even if they can write their own material, are not out of respect for the writers.
I would guess that people like Leno and Colbert and Stewart and Letterman have a hand in writing for their own shows. I know that Conan O'Brien used to be a writer for SNL.
So those guys probably see it from that perspective pretty easily and just want to support their writers.

Jim Thomsen said...

My thinking is: Why are writers necessary to TV? It's like George scornfully said on an episode of "Seinfeld": "What writer? It's a sitcom!"

Angela said...