
When did I get old?

I know we all ask ourselves this question.
But I was really feeling it last night.
I spent half the day grouting in the kitchen and was just totally worn out by it.
Half. Not even the whole day.
Of course, it was that funky angled part above the hood which required standing on the countertop to get to the highest spots.
And let me tell you, at 6' tall, it is not comfortable standing on the countertop.
I am too short to reach the top from the step ladder, but too tall when I am up on the counter.
So it was either teeter on my tippy toes on the step ladder or do the Quasi Modo standing on the counter.
I tried a bit of each and ended up with sore calves and stiff shoulders.
At about 6:30, the manfriend and I went and grabbed a quick dinner then headed over to the condo complex where his dad owns rental property.
We like to go over there to use the spa. It's only about 5 miles from my house, so it is not a bad deal.
That felt great.
But it meant that when I got home at about 8:30, I was ready to doze off.
I forced myself to stay awake for a while lest I fall asleep too early and wake up at 4 a.m. not being able to get back to sleep.
I think I made it until about 10. Then I passed out.
On the couch.
I woke up around midnight and had to force myself to get up and go to my bed. It was nice and warm where I was and I had cats sleeping all over me.
But I knew the bed would be more comfortable in the long run.
So there I was, the old, crazy cat lady stumbling to bed after passing out on the sofa, shedding cats as I went.
Yeah. That's just sad.


Jim Thomsen said...

Welcome to my world.

I'm five years ahead of you, and I can assure that it only gets worse. But you can slow and even stall the decline by better eating and exercise. But that leads to the Catch-22 of defining your successes in life by what you deprive yourself of, and that's not much better than getting wiped out earlier and earlier each day.

So you just try to find some middle ground.

Having regular sex can only help.

Anonymous said...

That sounds all too familiar, especially the shedding cats part. haha

Lisa said...

Hey Cali,

I have found you! I shed cats too! Two of them. Im not quite six feet tall, but almost and I am quite good at doing the quasi modo stance as well. OW!

CS said...

Believe it or not, I spent a few hours last night grouting tile (sitting in a bathtub abd twisting around to get to the part if the wall I needed to do)and, yes, I'm feeling it. And then I woke up at 4:50 and coudn't fall back asleep! Funny parallel. But there re other things about my age I really love - more self-cofidence, and so on. WIsh I could have both.

Atypical California Girl said...

Jim: I am trying my best to make sure it doesn't get worse. I do eat well and try to exercise. I can make the excuse of not enough time for not exercising more. But I won't. I just have to do what I can do, right? As for the sex, I am lucky to have that covered for the time being.

Vicki: Seriously with the cats, huh? I had Aspen on my feet and Lucy perched on the side of my hip. George, being the bad one, had been locked up in another room for peacekeeping purposes.

Lisa: I am glad you found me here. I always enjoy the comments you post on Jim's blog.

CS: It is almost done! Just some grout sealing to do. Plus minor other touches, and the kitchen will be complete. I am hoping to finish by Christmas. With everything. Including all the stuff that was ignored and neglected while the tile was my focus.

Angela said...

Or you can flip that coin over. You have a bed and a couch and wonderful cats and a spa. Hell 100 years ago, won't most women dead by 42?

I move A LOT more slowly than I did 10 years ago. I'm starting to be okay with that. But it's a process (as CS says), a two steps forward and being grateful for what I *have* at 37 mentally and emotionally and a step back when I think about what I've lost that will most likely never come back. Today, it's okay. Tomorrow? Who knows? I'll take that as it comes. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}