
Feeling ass-kicked today

I am feeling just plain old beat and beat up today.
So I bought myself a couple of lotto tickets.
Heck, a girl can dream, right?
What would I do with $17 million?
1- quit my job. I know people say that as soon as you quit your job, you are changed. But there are many other people out there who could benefit more from my job if I was set financially.

2- find an organization that I love and volunteer. See. I just replaced my job right there. I think I still would want some purpose and direction in life, and there are a lot of things I could offer to the right group.

3- pay off my bills, my mom's bills, my sister's bills. It's just the right thing to do. Especially for my mom. And I would get her a new place. Her place now is OK, but I would want her to be totally comfortable. I think she would really enjoy a sweet little condo near the beach.

4- travel. Oh hell yeah. Where? Back to Italy, the Caribbean, Amsterdam and Prague. Back to England, Spain and Germany. I would hit my favorite U.S. places: New York, San Francisco, Boston, New Orleans... Pretty much anywhere I want to go.

5- new house, same area. Heck. Maybe I would just have a new house built just for me on the same lot where my house is now. I really like my neighborhood.

6- have a kid or adopt a kid. Yeah, I want a kid. Not having to worry about money would make that a hell of a lot easier.

7- get a good, trusted financial adviser. Because $17 million is a lot of money for a girl like me and I would want to be wise about it and make it last.

Anyone else dreaming big today?


Jim Thomsen said...

I'm dreaming of Arby's Chicken Poppers.

Jim Thomsen said...

Actually, I think about this a lot ... because if I get downsized out of newspapering, I don't know what the hell I would do. And I don't have any financial cushion to take the time to think about it once it happens.

Atypical California Girl said...

Downsizing is a constant fear. Even though I think I do my job well, there is always that fear.
Financially, I am in decent shape, but it sure would hurt to lose this job.
I think I will go check those lottery numbers now.

Sona said...

$17 million is not enough, especially if you take a lump sum payment. Then you have to pay taxes.

At this point, I don't bother with it unless I can walk away with $50 million lump sum after taxes.

Angela said...

You are so awesome. When I'm feeling ass-kicked, I usually uncork a bottle. I'll have to try this next time. :)

Atypical California Girl said...

Hey, the $1 lottery ticket is cheaper than the wine and won't give you a headache the next morning.