
Thanks for the mammaries

I always hated that part of the online dating profile that asks you to specify your best feature.
I usually would say it is my eyes.
But really, I think it is my boobs.
I love my boobs. They are great.
But I refrained from putting that in my online profile because I thought it would make me sound slutty and draw too much attention to the girls.
Trust me, they get enough attention as it is.
But boobs are great. And so are some of the words people use instead of "boobs."

A few of my favorites in no particular order:

Knockers (said with a German accent - even better!)
Thelma and Louise
The shelf

Are they my favorite body part (on my own body anyway)? Hmm... Maybe.
I mean, they have served me well in the past.
I get great service at auto parts and hardware stores.

But they can be cumbersome.
There is that whole button-down shirt issue. I can't wear them. They gap in all the wrong places.
It is hard to find cute bras.
I can't sleep on my stomach.

But really, in the end, the pros outweigh the cons.

Boobs are great. Manboobs on the other hand... not so much.


Jim Thomsen said...

I'm jiggly with it.

Or them.

Whatever. :)

Lou said...

My boobs are tremendous as well. My best feature. Most say they're the best pair they've seen in real life. Perhaps you get that, too. They're cumbersome indeed. Can't wear button-down shirts. Can't exercise well without pain. It's bad news. But I do use them to my full advantage.

Lauren said...

This made me happy. People should say good things about their own bodies more often.

Marisa said...

I'm a fan of my own too - didn't have any until I was about 21 and then POW. And they didn't cost a thing.

Atypical California Girl said...

Jim, I never doubted you would be OK with boobs.

Lou, I know what you mean about the exercise and the using them to your advantage. Hey, why not?

Lauren, I agree with you. People are so hung up on body image sometimes. I know. I can get that way too. Sure, I would love to have thinner thighs. But overall, I am pretty happy with what I have.
Did I mention that I think my ass is great, too?

Reese, Like you, I didn't have boobs until I was out of high school. Then it seemed like over night I had a set to be reckoned with. It was great. As I like to say: All natural, no preservatives.

Lou said...

You two are lucky you didn't get boobs until after high school. I was saddled with these my whole life. It's not fun when you're too young at 16 to understand that you're not fat, you just have D cups. I wish my body had blossomed when I was old enough to appreciate it.

Angela said...

:) Oh my gosh. I totally laughed out loud at the last line. Wonderful! I agree with your predicament, though. How DO you say your best feature is something like your rack or your ass or other unmentionables and still be classy? Just thinking about that makes me laugh out loud. I'd like to read THAT on Craigslist.

Connie Goto said...

I recently posted an ad on Craigslist, a fake ad because, I just wanted to see what would happen.
It was not in the area where I'm currently living.
A nice young man who I had met for dinner over a year ago (I think he's 27), very cute guy really. Good kisser. Shhh.. don't tell anyone. Oh wait I didn't finish my first sentence there, He wrote to me and only said, "When you say busty, what do you mean exactly?"
Anyway, I gave him a bad time for having a one-track mind. Actually I don't think I'm busty enough for him, I think he's looking for someone more like Jill.
I totally relate to what Mandy said, it's difficult to do some things, like running.
And 16 (or younger) is just not the best time for those babies to show up.

Connie Goto said...

Oh, and I LOVE the headline!

Connie Goto said...

Love man-boobs.
I have my reasons.

Atypical California Girl said...

Angela, thanks. I am glad people find humor here. And it is true. If a woman says "man, I have great tits!" she comes off as sleazy or slutty or at the very least conceited as hell. I figured any guy I took the time to meet in person would figure it out about the boobs anyway.

And Connie... You are funny. I think the reason I had no boobs until after high school was that I payed three sports in high school so I was running and jumping and running every day for at least a couple of hours.
I did feel bad for a girl on the track team. She was a hurdler with HUGE boobs. That had to be painful.

Marisa said...

Oh - I forgot to volunteer my favorite term: Chesticles.

Angela said...

Hey, Connie. You should have told him he had a "one-rack mind." HAHAHAHHAAHA. I crack myself up. Unfortunately.

I stopped waiting for my boobs to show up when I was about 32.

Oh well.

And Reese is funny! Chesticles, indeed! Hehehehe.

Atypical California Girl said...

Chesticles! Love that, Reese!

Sorry about your boobs, Angela. If I could give away a fraction of mine, I would. I wouldn't mind being a tad smaller to help a sister out. Sadly it doesn't work that way.