
Turns out I am a nice person with a bad case of PMS

So I was driving the rental car, which is a boat by the way, in the parking lot of my local Home Depot yesterday.
It was warm, I was cranky and my weekend up to that point had not be very relaxing.
The place was nuts for a Monday afternoon and I knew parking would be a bitch.
But just as I was about to give up (I was only going to look at tile samples anyway), I saw a guy getting into his car.
I was in an east-west aisle and he was just two spaces into a north-south aisle.
I waited for him to put his bags in the trunk, get into his car, brush his hair and then back out of the space.
Right about when he started to back out I see this big SUV start to pull up the aisle behind him.
Luckily the way he backed out gave me the chance to slide into the spot before the chick in the SUV could pull into it.
So I did.
Then I got out of the car, locked the doors and started walking toward the store.
Of course, this woman who was probably about my age or a few years older decided she had to roll down the window and make a comment as I walked by. The exchange went something like this:

SUV: Well, that was rude!

ME: Sorry, but I guess you didn't see me waiting for the spot while the guy put his stuff away and then took the time to brush his hair.

SUV: Just rude!

ME: I am sorry, but you need to lay off.

SUV: I will not lay off. You are rude. You need to learn some manners.

ME: Fuck off! It's just a parking space.

SUV: Nice mouth!

ME: Fuck you. If you don't fucking like the way I talk to you, then leave me the fuck alone you fucking cunt.

SUV: Oh!

I then walked away only to notice that there were about 6 construction type guys taking in the whole thing, mouths agape.

Now "cunt" is not a word I like to use. In fact, I probably have used it only a couple times ever in my life, even in a joking way.

But yesterday it just flew out of my mouth like it was nothing.

Was I a little embarrassed? Maybe.

Did I feel bad about it later? Hell no.

Would I say the same thing again? Most likely.


Lou said...

I love it! I personally like the word, but I'm not a normal girl. Good job :)

Angela said...

Hehehehe! Why do I have this huge urge to say "TWANDA!!!"

I had my PMS moment last Thursday when I took someone's head off at work. Scared the ever-living crap out of him. He's been much nicer to me this week.

As embarrassing as it would be, I think there's a need for a shirt or a button that says, "Back the hell off. I have PMS and you're standing in the line of fire."

Hope you're feeling better soon! xoxoxoxo

Atypical California Girl said...

I don't usually get too weird with PMS and I don't like to use it as an excuse to be bitchy.
I can be plenty bitchy without the PMS.
But that was just a weird day of running errands but not actually getting anything done and I was frustrated and she just had to open her mouth.
So she got an earful.

Marisa said...

I hate the word but I don't blame you for using it!

If someone carried it that far with me I'd be just as horrible to them.